In addition to the German second division NetApp-Endura, nine German Continental teams will also offer their drivers the opportunity to prove themselves both nationally and internationally in the coming year. Compared to the previous year, the number remains relatively constant. With the dissolution of the teams Nutrixxion-Abus, NSP-Ghost and Thüringer Energie, the loss of three racing teams can be coped with. However, three new teams will be added: Team Stuttgart, Bike Aid-Ride for Help and Lotto RLP. The teams LKT Brandenburg, Heizomat, Quantec-Indeland, Stölting, MLP-Bergstraße and rad-net-Rose will continue to work with a Continental license. The BDR shows itself with the situation "satisfied", like the Vice President of the BDR, Udo Sprenger announced.
cycling: Nine German Continental teams tackle the 2014 season