Sram would like to further simplify the entry into the world of the eleven-speed drive and for this reason developed the new Sram X1, the newest and also cheapest pupil of the elevenfold family. From the collected know-how of the previous ones XX1- and X01group, Sram changed the tried-and-tested eleven-fold group again. However, the customer does not have to do without the well-known technology. Only the production and the material used was adapted for the X1 and that's how it comes X1 in comparison to XX1 Much cheaper, but also a bit heavier.
With the crank there is compared to XX1 the biggest change. Sram offers for the X1-Group three different aluminum cranks: the X1 1400the X1 1200 and the X1 1000, although the latter is reserved for the OEM market only. These differ mainly in the production. The X1 1400 is already known from the X01 group and is also continued in the X1 series, it is hollow forged. The X1 1000 on the other hand, it is not hollow forged, which has an immediate effect on the weight: it weighs 50 grams more.
X1 1400: 800 grams - 233 euros
X1 1200: 830 grams - OEM customers only
X1 1000: 850 grams - 177 euros
The switchgear of X1-Group comes with the same technique as the XX1- and X01-Group. It is available in black and weighs only four grams more than the more expensive versions. The rear derailleurs differ in bearing quality and surface quality, which should not have a negative effect on the switching process. The X1rear derailleur costs 205 euros and is therefore a whole 75 euros cheaper than the expensive one XX1-Version. The same picture can be admired with the new chain. The hollow pins have been omitted, which means that they are only six grams heavier, but will now only cost 33 euros. One disadvantage: it has a different surface finish, which means it will wear out more quickly.
The chainrings also differ only visually. As with the X01 the driver can choose between chainrings of 30-38 teeth. These also have the X synctechnology that eliminates the need for a chain guide. However, the small 28 chainring is still only the high-end group, the XX1, Reserved. At 93 euros, it is also only slightly cheaper than the previous models.
Probably the most serious difference to Sram's more expensive eleven-speed drives is in the cassette. If this is usually milled from a block of steel, the X1 only the three smallest sprockets are made from one piece. The remaining sprockets are riveted, but the cassette offers the same usual gradation of 10-12-14-16-18-21-24-28-32-36-42 teeth. It weighs 55 grams more than the XX1 cassette and thus comes to 315 grams. The less complex production of the cassette also reduces the price. At 278 euros, it's still not a bargain, but it's a whole 112 euros cheaper than the expensive model.