On Whit Monday, June 9th, it's that time again: The Hessian top mountain bikers race through the historic old town of Michelstadt and collect points for the Mountainbike Hessencup 2014. Narrow curves and narrow streets - Monaco in the middle of the Odenwald! For the fifth time, the city of Michelstadt is organizing the race around the old town hall together with former Olympic participant Ralph Berner (B3-Events). From the U7 age group to seniors, there is something for every cycling enthusiast.
Participants and spectators can look forward to a very special race: The 2-kilometre circuit through the historic city center, which is run up to 10 times depending on the age group, leads through an old barn into the Stadtgarten, from the Stadtgarten it goes via Braunstraße and Kellereibergstrasse into the moat. Passing the bee market area, a staircase and cobblestones take you back to the more than 500-year-old town hall in Michelstadt, which is of course also included in the course as the start and finish.
09:00 a.m.: Start of the trail tests (U7-U15) in the moat
11:00-14:00: Race (U7-U15) 700 meter circuit
14:00-14:30 p.m.: U7-U15 award ceremony in front of the town hall
14:30-18:00 p.m.: Main race (U17 seniors) 2-kilometer circuit
18 p.m.: award ceremony for the main races in front of the town hall
You can still register at www.b3-events.de or on site up to 1 hour before the start of the respective class.