News: The effects of the corona virus are having an increasing impact on our daily lives. In the published on 16.03.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX Government guidelines Far-reaching restrictions on social contacts in the public sector were agreed. But do the guidelines that have been passed also have an impact on cyclists and bicycle repair shops? The associations of the bicycle industry have commented on this.
Health Minister Spahn advises cycling instead of bus or train
The primary goal must be to prevent the uncontrolled spread of the coronavirus. Everyone agrees on that. In the guidelines adopted by the federal government, public and social life is therefore severely restricted. Health Minister Jens Spahn also advises avoiding public transport as much as possible. Instead, he suggests getting on the bike instead. Usable by almost everyone, the bicycle represents an infection-proof and important form of mobility. But what if the bicycle needs repairs? Do the restrictions in retail also affect bicycle workshops? The German Future Bicycle Association (BVZF) has now commented on this.
Bicycle workshops should remain open
The associations of the bicycle industry assume that millions of people will follow the advice of Health Minister Spahn and, in view of the corona virus, will use bicycles instead of buses or trains. Accordingly, the need for repairs related to bicycles will also increase.
At the moment, however, the BVZF assumes that bicycle repair shops can continue to offer their services. A positive sign for all those who are now setting a good example and prefer to use the bike instead of public transport.