E-bike leasing comparison 2022: In recent years, cycling has enjoyed enormous popularity and the e-bike market in particular is booming. Many brands are experiencing delivery delays and it is making it much more difficult for customers to buy new e-bikes. E-bike leasing is an attractive alternative for many employees. Since there are now numerous established and new providers, the range on offer is becoming increasingly confusing for customers. Like last year we have dealt intensively with the topic of e-bike leasing and compared the offers of the seven most common providers.
What is e-bike leasing?
In principle, e-bike leasing is nothing more than renting an e-bike for a certain period of time - for three years from all common providers. The customer is not the owner of the bike, but pays a monthly rate to be able to use the e-bike; Recommended because the monthly leasing installments are usually lower than loan installments. However, it should be borne in mind that the e-bike does not belong to you at the end of the term. However, after the leasing contract has expired, there is the option of buying the bike at a residual value. A residual value of between ten and 18 percent of the original gross acquisition value, depending on the provider, is applied for the takeover by the user after the leasing.
How does bike leasing work?
The leasing contract is concluded with the leasing provider via the employer. Part of the salary is converted into a benefit in kind via the so-called cash wage conversion. The employer provides the employee with the bike and the leasing rate is deducted from the gross salary. Advantageous for the employee, since the loss in net salary is less than in gross and he pays significantly less per month than if the bike were financed. The employer, in turn, benefits from lower non-wage labor costs - and of course from healthier and happier employees.
Bicycle and e-bike leasing comparison 2022: What is important?
We compared the offers from seven major leasing providers in specialist shops, looking at both the costs and their services. The providers compared are: Bikeleasing Service, BusinessBike, Eurorad, Eleasa, JobRad, KazenMaier and Lease a Bike. In principle, no leasing provider is tied to a specific bicycle brand or to the e-bike itself; for example, classic trekking bikes without an electric drive can also be leased. The minimum price for a leasing bike is 357 euros at Eurorad and goes up to 749 euros at Jobrad. The upper limit is only at a purchase price of 12.000 or 15.000 euros.
In our comparison, we calculated the offers of the providers - each for an e-bike for 3.000 euros and 4.500 euros new price. The monthly costs always consist of the leasing rate, the insurance rate and a service fee; this can be individually adjusted depending on the package. In our comparison, we calculated with the best possible service package in each case, since in practice it is also booked most frequently with all providers. In our comparison, we also included the total price over the leasing period and the purchase price of the bike at the end of the term, which adds up to the total costs for use and subsequent purchase.
With the monthly rates, it can be seen that all providers are very close together and there are hardly any significant differences. For a €3.000 bike, the total monthly installments are all between €100,32 (Eurorad) and €103,51 (Eleasa). It is important to note that these installments represent the full amount to be paid and do not reflect the actual burden on the employee. Due to the aforementioned conversion of wages, the costs for the end user are often 35 to 40 percent below these rates. All providers are also very close to each other when it comes to the total price when buying, between 4.017 euros (Lease a Bike) and 4.206,36 euros (Eleasa).
Differences in wear and tear repairs and mobility guarantee
Just looking at the costs does not produce any major differences; To do this, we had to take a closer look at the insurance and services provided by the individual providers, because unlike what is known from car leasing, leasing contracts for bicycles usually include very attractive insurance benefits. By being reimbursed for inspections and wear and tear costs, you not only have the good feeling of always riding a technically flawless bike, you can also save money - this is especially true for frequent riders.
However, the differences in this regard between the individual providers are considerable: the spectrum ranges from wear and tear reimbursement from the 1st day without a cap over the entire leasing period, as with Eurorad or Kazenmaier, to very tight budgets of just over 200 euros over the full 36 months, as with business bike. It is worth comparing here. It's nice that all insurance companies waive a deductible for the policyholder.
E-bike leasing providers: comparison of reimbursement for wear and tear
refund | capping | excess | |
Euro wheel | from the 1. Day | No | No |
Bike leasing service | from the 1. Day | €238 gross (pa) for a purchase price of up to €5.000 €297 gross (pa) for a purchase price of €5.001 to €10.000 €357 gross (pa) for a purchase price of €10.001 to €15.000 | No |
business bike | from the 1. Day | 225€ total credit for wear and tear repairs | No |
Kazenmaier | from the 1. Day | No | No |
Paid transit | from the 7th month | 420€ (gross) (wear and tear and inspections) | No |
Lease a bike | from the 1. Day | 200€ gross (pa) | No |
Eleaza | from the 6th month | € 450 net | No |
The differences in the mobility guarantee are similarly large. Here, too, Eurorad offers the most comprehensive package, which even includes accommodation costs or emergency cash - and that throughout Europe. There are also benefits in the event of vandalism, a stolen battery or display or willful damage to the bike are covered. Only JobRad offers a comparable package here – you have to make compromises with all other providers.
E-bike leasing providers: comparison of mobility guarantees
- Europe-wide protection
- 24 hour service
- tow away
- Onward or return journey
- accommodation costs
- roadside assistance
- Salvage
- replacement bike
- Bike return transport
- emergency cash
- Transport of unroadworthy e-bikes to the nearest workshop, to the destination or home up to a maximum of €150; with self-organized transport max. 50 €;
- replacement bike
- Transport of unroadworthy e-bikes to the nearest workshop, to the destination or home up to a maximum of €150; with self-organized transport max. 50 €;
- replacement bike
- 24/7 hotline for workshop mediation
- Roadside assistance/towing and arranging return journey to starting point
- Costs for a rental bike or accommodation costs. Maximum three days and/or €150 per claim
- no cap on damage events per year
- 24-hour emergency service
- Germany-wide and beyond the EU mobile breakdown assistance
- Towing after breakdown or accident
- Return or onward journey/replacement bike
Other additional services from a distance of 10 km from the permanent residence, including:
- Coverage of up to €500 for the onward or return journey
- Coverage of accommodation costs of up to €80 per night
- Replacement bike for a maximum of €25 per day/max. 14 days
- Bike return transport
- Salvage
- Bicycle scrapping/luggage transport
- emergency cash
- Costs for return transport to the place of departure in the event of loss of operational security up to €100
- Costs for a rental bike from the 2nd day. Maximum €20 per day, maximum €100 per claim, maximum €200 pa
- Costs for return transport to the place of departure in the event of loss of operational security up to €150 pa
- Cost of a rental bike for a maximum of 3 days. Maximum €15 per day, maximum €90 per year
What happens at the end of the term?
All providers allow after the three-year leasing period Takeover by the user at. Although this is not an official language rule and may not be communicated by the leasing provider in advance, it is de facto so. A residual value of 10 to 18% of the original acquisition value is applied for this. So this is an extremely useful offer for everyone. The catch is that the tax authorities set a much higher residual value of 40 percent after three years. The difference between this value and the residual value actually paid must be taxed by the buyer as a non-cash benefit. Fortunately, the leasing providers jump into the breach here; all based on the same principle: You take on this tax burden and settle the tax liability directly with the tax authorities, so that for the buyer neither costs nor bureaucracy arise - the buyer receives a written certificate from the leasing provider that this tax difference has already been settled.
Incidentally, if a leasing contract is to be terminated due to unforeseen reasons (e.g. due to longer parental leave or a sabbatical), Eurorad offers a return option without further financial disadvantages.
Conclusion e-bike leasing comparison 2022: Best overall package at Eurorad
Our bicycle and e-bike leasing comparison has shown that all current providers have their right to exist and none of them offers a bad offer. In terms of price, the differences are rather small anyway, even if there can still be a difference of a few hundred euros with more expensive bikes at the end of the contract period or when you take them over. In terms of performance, Eurorad comes off best overall (as in our comparison last year). The provider offers the most comprehensive insurance, a virtually complete mobility guarantee and waives any caps or deductibles - exemplary!
The Eurorad offer is also particularly attractive for employers:
Important detail for employers: maintenance of e-bikes according to accident prevention regulations (UVV)
The Test according to the accident prevention regulations (UVV) is fully included with Eurorad. After all, a company bike should also be used on the way to work in addition to the expressly desired private use; In order to be able to enjoy insurance protection as an employee, an e-bike must be checked for road safety and serviced according to the UVV regulations at the end of the first and second year of use. This UVV maintenance is included in the leasing rate at Eurorad - from day one and without an upper limit. When choosing their leasing partner, employers should pay attention to offers that include an UVV check, as these are therefore fully secured for official use (and that includes the journey to work).
Web: The leasing calculators of the individual providers
Lease calculator Eurorad
Leasing calculator Lease-a-Bike
Leasing calculator Jobrad
Leasing calculator business bike leasing
Leasing calculator bike leasing service
Leasing calculator Kazenmaier
Leasing calculator Eleasa